Saturday, March 28, 2009

That's All Right.

What a couple days it has been. The stomach flu has been going around the house and it looks like I'm the one that's supposed to get it next. Hopefully it decides to skip me because I can't be missing any school. For the first six weeks of school, which are our pre-clinic classes, we are not allowed to miss any time. If we do miss some school we aren't able to perform the service we were learning that week once we get out on the floor until the next class comes around. Personally I think its silly, especially in the winter months because were not allowed to come to school sick and if we do we are sent home because of the contact that we have with the public. Either way we are forced to stay home and are being punished for it. So for now I just stay away from everyone. Haha.
Mom and Bella came this weekend. It was really nice to see them both. Mom kind of spoiled me Thursday night and took me shopping for a bunch of lunch food. Love her!
Maybe next weekend when I visit Eugene it will be worked out so I can bring Bella back with me. She likes having the other dogs to play with but they also wear her out pretty quickly and its hard to just leave her here during the day while I'm at school. It was so nice to have her at home yesterday when I got out of school.
Yesterday seemed to be endless. Not bad, just non-stop. Every Friday for the first six weeks we have models that come in and receive the service we learned that week. Leah has been my model four times now and I think shes loving it. Haha, except for maybe that part yesterday when I lost control of the sprayer at the sink and got us both soaked. Yeah, that was embarrassing, but I guess just about everyone does it at least once. We did a solid all over color and it took almost 4 bottles to get all of Leah's hair. The color turned out so PRETTY though! We almost kind of match with our reddish hair now. After that mom met Leah at the school and they both got pedicures and then Leah got a manicure while I deep conditioned and styled mom's hair. Poor Leah got the nuttiest student at the school to do her services. Shes and absolute head case and I think she should be kicked out of the school. Oops... did I say that? Anyways, I had a lot of fun because it was the first time I got to use a station out on the floor and it was also the first time mom got to see the school. I was a little bit nervous but more excited. I cant wait to be out on the floor regularly. I guess I need to start some self-promoting....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forget Me Not.

One of those nights. I just want to be back where I was. Where it was safe and easy and I knew what to expect. I didn't know I'd miss it this much. The past three weeks have been so much more than I expected. School is going alright, its just long. Nine in the morning to five-thirty at night takes a lot out of you. I job-hunt on my lunch break and evenings as well as I can but there are only so many places I can go in that time. Thankfully, I have a wonderful family who are willing to help me in anyway that they can although I still don't like the idea of using their money. I haven't worked in over a month now and it is the strangest feeling. Going from two jobs to not even being able to find one is pretty stressful. I'm running out of money. I barely have $50 to my name right now and thats barely enough for gas for the next couple of weeks. On top of that, I somehow screwed up taxes this past year and now I owe $400. I don't even know what to do about that...
I honestly feel like I'm losing control right now. School is waring me out, job-searching is stressing me out, and Im really just starting to get lonely over here. I really miss everyone back home. I think my timing was a little off too. It seems like some great people and things were happenning just as I had to leave. It would be easier to meet people if I knew someone. Hah. I'd like to be able to go find a nice coffee shop of something just to at least be around people, but lack of money is really restricting a lot of my travel around town. Hopefully the weather will get nicer soon and Ill be able to travel on bike.
Its just time for things to speed up and get happy.